Saturday, 23 February 2013

Steam Tank complete!

First update on this blog for a little while. Well I've been painting other stuff so that's my excuse.

However I now appear to have my WFB mojo back (just in time to lose it for 2 weeks at Grantham) and have painted up a (plastic) steam tank.

This model is so much better than the metal pile of crud (of which I have two, and gave up on) that was previously available and was a joy to paint.

Painted in the city of Leister (Middenland) colours but with Altdorf shields showing allegiance to Karl Franz.

Without further ado:

WIP shots x2
 photo 13536680-9F9B-4812-8B1D-BC00ECE4A92B-251-0000001B65397920_zps6c59d3bd.jpg

 photo 985E89AE-B31F-4FB2-8F6F-F726E451FAFA-251-0000001B6B6B35E0_zps23e24410.jpg

The Engineer
 photo 6D7C8A50-29D4-4E38-A55A-6AD1C105A783-251-0000001B77077072_zps5dc99259.jpg

 photo 9801573E-9797-489B-ADDC-BBED561569EB-251-0000001B7CA9B722_zps54698fb1.jpg

Finished tank:
 photo 066A05B1-5D3B-49BD-8020-C17C5535A02F-251-0000001B8171FC8C_zpsf75d29ac.jpg

 photo 3683F847-265C-4B28-82BF-66C051BE0EAB-251-0000001B85BA9AD1_zpse1542f06.jpg

 photo 981048CC-5F1D-4A09-BF25-94B32CE061DA-251-0000001B89F51E47_zps4d48b66d.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Bravo sir! I love it. Nice to see you getting your fantasy on too!!
